Hi, I have a problem with sorting ticket numbers in the list. I read in github that this can happen, if ticket number has first letters and then -number, so i decided to update all ticket numbers to a new format, from XX-####### to #######-XX.My help topics use 4 different numbers so, i created and run the following queries :UPDATE `ost_ticket`SET number = CONCAT(CAST((SUBSTRING(NUMBER, 4)) AS CHAR(7)) ,"-CC")WHERE number like "CC-%";UPDATE `ost_ticket`SET number = CONCAT(CAST((SUBSTRING(NUMBER, 4)) AS CHAR(7)) ,"-DI")WHERE number like "DI-%";UPDATE `ost_ticket`SET number = CONCAT(CAST((SUBSTRING(NUMBER, 4)) AS CHAR(7)) ,"-OP")WHERE number like "OP-%";UPDATE `ost_help_topic`SET number_format = CONCAT(CAST((SUBSTRING(number_format, 4)) AS CHAR(7)) ,"-CC")WHERE number_format like "CC-%";UPDATE `ost_help_topic`SET number_format = CONCAT(CAST((SUBSTRING(number_format, 4)) AS CHAR(7)) ,"-EB")WHERE number_format like "EB-%";UPDATE `ost_help_topic`SET number_format = CONCAT(CAST((SUBSTRING(number_format, 4)) AS CHAR(7)) ,"-DI")WHERE number_format like "DI-%";UPDATE `ost_help_topic`SET number_format = CONCAT(CAST((SUBSTRING(number_format, 4)) AS CHAR(7)) ,"-OP")WHERE number_format like "OP-%";Is it anything else i forgot to do or thats it?RegardsGeorge

Not that I can think of off the top of my head.unless ticket numbers are also 'cached' in the cdata tables.

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