I been looking for hours and trying to find mods or plugins to do what i want. 1. Import tickets from spreadsheet2. Automatically adding ticket to calendar, google calendar preferred. or exchange calendar. 3. Allowing customer or organization to have basically a private notes, that we can't see. it just seen by the organization staff4. Allowing specific organization user to change ticket status. 5. mobile app to access osticket. i saw some on the play store but none worked. Not sure if there is a developer that can help or they already exist.

1. Import tickets from spreadsheetYou would need to talk to the folks over at: http://osticket.com/professional-installationto see if they have something like that. I do not believe that there is a free (public) way to do that.2. Automatically adding ticket to calendar, google calendar preferred. or exchange calendar. 

Again I dont know of a plugin that does that, but I imagine it could be as simple as adding a way to have an email sent in the format that Outlook or Google wants to see it in so you can add it.

3. Allowing customer or organization to have basically a private notes, that we can't see. it just seen by the organization staffNo one has ever requested such a feature before, and really anyone with access to the DB would be able to see it anyway.  Or if it was encrypted in the DB they would be able to reverse engineer and decrypt it if they were really determined.4. Allowing specific organization user to change ticket status. I strong beleive that customers should not dictate ticket state.  The only exception to this is that they should be able to re-open a recently closed ticket if that ticket was not resolved.  Which they can already do by replying to the ticket 5. mobile app to access osticket. i saw some on the play store but none worked. There is no official mobile app for osTicket.  But then really you can access it from any cell phones web broswer so I personally don't see the need for one. If these are things that you really really need and are willing to pay for them I would recommend that you contact the folks over at: Customization Services.http://osticket.com/customizationI have no idea what they charge, but money goes toward keeping this project alive.  If they can't help you then there is always the option of Freelancer etc, or doing it yourself.I feel like these aren't really the answers that you were hoping for, but hopefully I've pointed you in the right directions.

thank you for the detailed reply sir. i been looking for days for any mods and plugins but couldn't find any. i will be contacting the cutomization team and see what they could do

1/ Sounds like a job for the API. I'm not sure if the builtin CLI has an option for this, it might.There might be something here, although it is pretty old now: https://github.com/garyns/osTicket-extensions2/ Sounds like a job for a simple plugin, one that picks up on the ticket created plugin signal and then calls an API on a service which is capable of creating calendar events. Alternative there is likely a python module which can create calendar events too.Absolutely agree also that you should contact the Osticket Team if these are things you have some budget for.

1. http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//importing-from-excel2. Would be pretty simple to create a modification that would allow you to subscribe to a internet based calendar, how do you want it to identify what calendar belongs to what user?3, 4 agree with ntozier5. There are some themes that say they're responsive.

Micke1101 wanted it to connect to google account and pull feom the list of available calendars.

Worst case even if it just export all to the account and we can) kove it manually

If we could magicly connect to anyones google account and pull their calendar, that'd be a massive security vulnerability :)What i'm suggesting is that you can generate a calendar that is hosted within osTicket that automaticly generates any event data from the tickets.Then you can use your calendar client of choise to subscribe to that calendar and then you can see those calendar events in your own calendar aswell and they'll automaticly get updated.The problem with this is i presume you don't want anyone to be able to see your calendar?For example http://domain.com/calendar.php?email=micke1101@domain.comcould be a security risk because as soon as someone notices that we're just using the email to identify the tickets then they can specify any email they want and gain access to that.The easiest thing I can think of would probably be to hash your users emails/username with a secrat password of your choise.Also is this for agents or users?Can you describe more what you want to define the calendar entry?

so our calendar basically have title plus address plus work description in notes. we do it manually now but its for our field tech to know where to go to next more of a scheduling

So there is 1 calendar for everyone? then a key could just be randomly generated.

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