My current situation is: users can only be added from agents and they don't have an email. They log in with a 6 digits number and a preset password. I already edited the field setup of the "contact information" so that the validator it's "number". Agents have a real email, the "company" email it's a fake one.I'm running osTicket on xampp and mercury is currently not used (the service is stopped).We don't need any email sending/receiving, so I would like to disable the email sending altogether, just in case one day I'll need to turn on the email service on my server (mercury); in case that will happen I don't want the server try to send emails to inexistent addresses. In that case I'm not sure what would be the consequences. Error logs full o messages? Problems with the email sending I will actually need (with other applications, for example)?I wonder if in the current situation I'm going to have issues in the future or theoretically the application will work correctly. But again, if possible, I'd like to disable the email sending.Thanks for your help.Cheers,Rob