Dear osticket fellow fans,I recently installed osticket in ubuntu 16.04 with LAMP and the install was a breeze. I would like to install and activate the dutch language pack so I did the following:Unpharred the phar file in ~\Downloads and created the directory /var/www/osticket/upload/include/i18n/nl_NL and moved the directory osticket NL to that location. In the admin panel no extra language shows  to select. Any tips would be much appreciated.

osticket information.png

1.blank2. go to Admin panel -> Settings -> System3. Scroll down to Secondary Languages.4. in the Add a Language field select your new language.5. Click on Profile (upper right). and change your accounts language to the new language,. 

2 months later

Thanks for the answer. I already have the files in that directory, see it contents below-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   1097 sep 14  2017 1 root root  20586 sep 14  2017 langs.phpdrwxr-xr-x 4 root root   4096 jan 28 21 en_USdrwxr-xr-x 3 root root   4096 jan 29 07 nl_NL-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 303837 jan 31 20 nl.pharI also unpharred the file to the folder nl_NL but that name was an educated guess.In step 4 there is no other language shown.I feel I'm close but I'm still missing some config.

Your webserver runs as 'root'?

2 months later

It does, but if you know a better way, please show me the way (I'm have set up LAMP on ubuntu as standard as possible).

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