I am using 1.10.1. 1. I  found that  there is no way in the mo file to translate "Browse by topics" in the knowlege base area(attachment).2. anther problem is in the http://xxx.com/profile.php, the update/reset/cancle button also can not be translated in mo file(attachment).Should I make edit to the database or somewhere else?thanks!

屏幕快照 2018-01-14 下午11.22.26.jpg

屏幕快照 2018-01-14 下午11.31.11.jpg

You can participate and comment on the translation project at the following link:http://i18n.osticket.com/project/osticket-official

thanks, but my problem is that even in the tranlation project, I can not find the place the  translate "Browse by topics" 

a year later

These text are translated in PHAR files.
Just extract the PHAR file, make changes or add missing text and pack in PHAR file back.

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