Sorry for inconveniens, I'm little confusion: I can't see how to add anything to FAQ's.... (and can't find in discus history here) 

No problem. I think you have missed that you have to add a category first. Then you can add entries. I think this is necessary because you can control with the category the "visibility"..It is like a container/folder for entries..

Also make sure that your user has the privs to manage FAQ/Premade/etc.

I can't see where I can add category... :( In canned answer I have Add new, in FAQ nothing...

You do not see this button?blank

I have no Categories in menu, only FAQ and Canned Responses... , :( 

Admin panel -> Agents -> your account.Click on permissions tabClick on Knowledgebase

Ok, it is working, (horrible place tu enable this ;)) 

Why is it a horrible place to enable it?  Each agent should or should not be able to manage these things.  Where would you put it?

I'm admin/manager, and tough that I can everything ;) Now I thing, it's proper place fot this option, maybe I have bad manners as admin ;) ...Regards and thanks a lot again :) 

No worries, I was really just curious why you thought it was a bad place.  :)  I'll mark this resolved and close it.  Please feel free to start a new thread if you have another question, comment, feedback, etc.

I was mean that FAQ writing e.t.c. are privilege for managers and I looking for this options in departments, I was not associate this privilege with person like a each "clerc" ;) You can close this thread, Thanks again :) 

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