Hello all,we have a setup with a "LAMP-server", on which is our osTicket running. (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).We use the backupsoftware "Veeam", to backup our VM (virtual machine) once a day. Question: How can I restore my ticket-system (VM) in case of data-loss? (ticket deleted by mistake etc.)?Do I have to backup my VM several times per day? Or is there a way to restore my MySQL-DB?Thanks for help!Samuel

Well if your backing up the whole server once a day... (say midnight).  I come into the office at 9am and create a ticket.  Staff deletes the ticket at 11. Then there is no way to restore the ticket from your backup since the ticket did not exist at the time the back up was completed.  Of course if the ticket was created BEFORE the backup was performed, then you ought to be able to restore it (by restoring the database).  That being said you can also experience data loss the other way.  Example: I created a ticket on Monday at 9am.  Backups ran at midnight. The ticket was still there Tuesday.  Backups ran at midnight.  Wednesday afternoon I went to check on my ticket and it was gone, because staff deleted it around 8.  If you restore the database from Monday night any tickets created after Monday night would be erased from the database.  If you restore the database from Tuesday nights backups then any tickets created after the database was updated would no longer exist (but you would have the original ticket that was deleted back).  Any data added to the data base during the dead times would be gone (new users, new agents, template edits, etc).I presume that Veeam (which i have heard of but never used) allows you to do granular restorations of individual files/tables/etc?

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