I found out the why I had lock issues, it turned out to be simply tz settings. Setup:System time was set to GMT.PHP timezone was set to Europe/London.MySQL tz was set to SYSTEM.Steps to be done to rectify the issue:ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/localtimemysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo/|mysql -u root mysql -p(from mysql cmd) SET GLOBAL time_zone = 'Europe/London';This synced all tzs and I have not seen this issue since then. Interestingly enough, we had DST change last weekend.
Great, this solves paste of images!
i have same problem when copy paste image greater than 50kb. I get error for the image and text after image can't see
@[deleted] I've unfortunately not had time to look into this issue, a temporary fix is to increase the field size for the messages.So if you change %PREFIX%_thread_entry and then change the type of field body to mediumtext or longtext, you should be pretty safe.
@[deleted]01 Can you guide me which files should be changed. Sorry, i'm not understand for that. Thank you
You need to go to your database, find the table %PREFIX%_thread_entry and then edit the structure, go to the column called body and change its type from text to mediumtext or longtext
@[deleted]01This is a brilliant plug-in. Thanks for sharing.
It worked for a while but suddenly i get this message in every ticket reply:Failed to load plugin: advcode from url http://support.xxxxxx.nl/js/tinymce/plugins/advcode/plugin.min.jsAny idea's to solve this?
@[deleted]001 the plugin is trying to load the tinymce plugin advanced code editor, this is a paid plugin (https://store.ephox.com/products/advanced-code-editor/) and thus not included in my files.If you want the functionality you would have to get the files from tinymce and then provide them in the folder specified in the error.
@[deleted]01 Any idea what causes this? The regular stuff must be enough
Can you post a picture of your settings for the tinymce plugin?
No we cant anymore. Maybe it is better to remove the whole plugin and reinstall again?
Reinstall didnt help
You can't even access the settings of the plugin? that sounds really bad.Do you get any errors in console/php/webservice log?
I can access the settings. I reinstalled the complete plugin. The plugin is working only i cannot copy / past images so far.
I removed all the plugins and reinstalled them by your example. Now it works again. Thanks for your help
@[deleted]01 Does this plug-in change the behavior of attachment uploads?We have the issue with the normal redactor that attachments sometimes are uploaded to the ticket while typing an answer , but if the answer is actually sent, the attachment is not there. Unfortunally this happens only sometimes, and its more like a 10% thing which it does not work. But it is still frustrating for our agents and clients (and there are no error messages at all). So I'm curious if TinyMCE might change that behavior or if it is the exact same like the standard redactor.
@[deleted] As for the drop files here, it should work the same with either redactor or tinymce.When it comes to images pasted into the text it's a bit different (hoping to fix this one when I've the time), at the moment TinyMCE converts the images to base64 and store them together with the text.
Great man !!รวมนิทานตำนานเรื่องเล่าต่างๆ
I have no idea why I cant get this to work. I must be doing something wrong. Whenever I install and activate the plugin the text editor goes blank, no menus, nothing.. looks like a blank white text area.
Could you post the install instructions?