Hi together,we are using ost (the German version) since a while.At the moment we are in the set-up process for a new project. This time we are using the original version 1.10 with the language extension.To use the right form of salutation we need to know if the client is female or male.Our problem now is, that the field to create option or selection fields is not able to translate.Is it just because we have not find the right option / field, or how are you handling this "problem"?Thank you in advance for every hint.

There is no such thing as a "German Version" of osTicket.If you are referring to osticet.com.de they are not us. If you want support for their version of the software you will have to contact their support.osTicket doesn't need specific language versions because we have language packs that folks can install.If thats not the case, then I am not sure what you mean.  Perhaps a screen shot will illuminate us.

Hi ntozier,I does not knew, that "osticet.com.de" it's not a part of osticket.comAnyway actual we are using the original with language version.I attached a screen which shows the part where I wish to ask customers for their "title".But it looks like that the field where I can set the options (Mr. / Mrs. in my case Herr / Frau) can not be translated. Is this right? How can I use osticket in two languages if I can not offer this option in two languages?blankblankblank

At this time there is no way to translate Choices. You would have to use a List instead. Please go to Admin Panel > Manage > Lists > Add New Custom List. Here you will add a list called Translatable Salutations (or whatever you want) and click Save. Now you will click Add New Item under the Items tab. Here you will add "Mr." to the Value box and click Save. Now click the name "Mr." (which should be blue with edit icon) and click the globe next to the field. Choose German, click Add, add the translated string "Herr", click Save, click the "X" on the translate box, and click Save again. Now you will repeat those steps for "Mrs." and click Save Changes on the main List page. Now go back to Admin Panel > Manage > Forms > Contact Information Form and change "Title" from Choices to the custom list you just made and click Save Changes at the bottom. Now when you user is viewing the form in German the options should be in translated.Example List Config:blankExample Field Config:blankExample Form In Norwegian:blankExample Form In English:blankLet me know if you have any questions because I know this can get confusing.





WOW. I´am impressed.Thank you so much for the illustrated and detailed answer. You helped me a lot and the problem now is solved. First I could not find "lists" in the forms. But just because I've not read good your notice. After understanding the proceed, it was easy and opened me a few more possibilities to set up the system.Very big thanks again!

@[deleted] No problem at all! Thank you for choosing osTicket :)

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