Dear osTicket Team,first of all I would like to thank you for the good ticketsystem that we have been using for two years.The problem that we have now after upgrade from1.9.14 to 1.10 is the following. We have problems with the pictures in the PDF printout ( in the html are the screenshots available ). But there are no errors in apache log, except a few unimportant warnings about compatibility of function interface.blankblankI thank you in advance for your help!

This is the mPDF error from debug modmPDF error: IMAGE Error (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e): Could not find image fileAs I said the images are available in HTML.

Have you customised the logo?

Or do you mean something else?

All images were not visible, also logo was not visible. But your tip from above is the solution. Now are all images available in the pdf printout. Thank you very much!

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