Hi,I am a new and absoulute newbie on osTicket.We are using osTicket version v1.10 (901e5ea).Could any one give me a hint where I can read soemthing about how osTicket is working?Especially I am interested at the moment how the system can detect if an incomming email belongs to an existing ticket.Recognizes the ticket system only answers as a reply of an existing ticket?Which role does the ticket number play?I am interested in this, because I should be the co pilot of our admin of osTicket.ThanksAndreas

Hey,As far as I know there really isn't a up to date place where you can read about all the details but when it comes to the importing of the emails i believe that osticket looks for the ticket number in the subject but i think it also looks at the message-id in the header.

Q: Could any one give me a hint where I can read soemthing about how osTicket is working?A: I'm not sure what it is your asking.  Can you ask it a different way?Q: Recognizes the ticket system only answers as a reply of an existing ticket?A: Huh?If you are asking how osTicket determines if an email belongs to an existing ticket then according to the devs: osTicket checkes message-id first and tries to compare it to existing message-ids.  Then it checks the reference-id and in-reply-to.  Lastly if all else fails it checks the message subject for the ticket to see if it matches an existing ticket.Q: Which role does the ticket number play?A: The ticket number is an easy referrence number for the User (client) to give to an Agent (staff) to identify what ticket they are talking about quickly.

Thanks for the answers!@[deleted] Yes that's what I want to know.A collegue of mine sent a mail with only the ticket number in the subject to the ticket system. But unfortunatelly the ticket system generated a new ticket for this mail.

The message-id wouldn't have matched.nothing would have matched...Was the original ticket opened with his email?Have you set osTicket to not reopen tickets?

- No the original Ticket was noz opened with this mail.It's clear that the message ID didn't match.But you wrote that at last the ticket number in the subject will be checked.And with the correct number in the subject, the system created a new ticket.How can we set that osTicket not reopens tickets?What is the connection to this topc?

If a user (foo@bar.com) opens a ticket. Then same user sends an email from another address (bar@foo.com) that person is not associated with the ticket in any way. They are not the owner, they are not a collaborator, they are not an agent, they are some strange email address... 

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