Greeting,I want to modify my landing page, adding some <div> and class. I've using <> button on editor, but the tags still stripped. Is there any way to allow some tags?Thanks.

Search is your friend.  This has been talked about a number of times before.Here are the first two results:

thanks for your response, i have done some research, but can't find clear instruction. i want to allow it on page, but restrict on user editor.

I'm pretty sure its all or nothing.

For me, in v1.10 the following worked:diff --git a/include/class.format.php b/include/class.format.phpindex 864bc64..ddf98fd 100644--- a/include/class.format.php+++ b/include/class.format.php@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class Format {                     'balance' => 1,                     // Decoding special html char like &lt; and &gt; which                     // can be used to skip cleaning-                    'decode' => true+                    'decode' => false                     ),                 $options);

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