Hi,The first time I installed osTicket 1.10, I first uploaded the language pack, and chose "french" in the "Primary language" field list at setup time. Everything (statuses, forms, help categories, email templates...) was then in french. Unfortunately, the installation crashed at some point which let my osTicket unstable (couldn't crete new user or organization for example).So I deleted everything, from database to the root folder, and started an fresh installation from scratch. This time I did not upload the french package and let the english language as primary in setup. Everything mentionned before was in english, of course.Now, post install, I want to switch the primary language to french again: I upload the french pack, then go to Settings, System, and select "français", no additional language, and I save this configuration. The field "Default language" in the "Date and time settings" is let to "Use language preference".Here is the odd part: although the backoffice now shows french text, all content remains untranslated. Still in english:email templates,sequences,priorities,help sections,pages,forms,list (ticket statuses),services,

What did i do wrong? How could I get all this stuff translated, as it was on my first install?

Thank you!

Sadly last time I checked you would have to Re-install and select the language at the time of installation.

Ok, I understand. Given the fact that the installation crashes with the french pack, I guess I just have to wait...Thank you for your answer anyway :)

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