Here's a small modification that will allow you to limit help topics on the new ticket page to certain users and/or organizations. will need to alter the help topic table using the sql file ( and this can make it so you won't be able to upgrade once a new version is released unless you remove the 2 columns that are added (islimited, limitations).




Attachments didn't follow for some reason




I like the idea of this.  Have you considered limiting by Role(s) or Organization(s)?

Organizations should already be available, i was thinking of maybe adding a option for guests aswell because now it'll reject all guests if it's limited but maybe you want to limit an option to guests only?The only other roles that i could think of is account manager and primary contact but then that will apply to all selected options, so maybe it would be wiser to move it into a new tab and have it as a table instead.

When creating a Help Topic you could select which Roles/Organizations/Departments etc have access to see and chose that Help Topic. (I realize that might require a re-write of your code)

2 years later

Good day, I am new to osTicket and to the GitHub as a repository. I am interested in trying your help topic limitation, it appears to be exactly what I need. Is there somewhere that I can download just the modified files instead of a complete osTicket build? That way I can compare your source files to mine.

7 months later

Hi, I'm also interesed on this modification. A noblephoto asked, is there a way to know which files were modified? Thanks in advance!

Thjread is from 2017.
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