

Im a php noob




Can anyone please assist in splitting a table into two columns in the following script:


<?phpforeach (DynamicFormEntry:($ticket->getId()) as $form) {    // Skip core fields shown earlier in the ticket view    $answers = $form->getAnswers()->exclude(Q:(array(        'field__flags__hasbit' => DynamicFormField:,        Q:(array('field__flags__hasbit' => DynamicFormField:)),        'field__name__in' => array('subject', 'priority'),    )));    if (count($answers) == 0)        continue;    ?>        <table class="custom-data" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%" border="0">        <tr><td colspan="2" class="headline flush-left"><?php echo $form->getTitle(); ?></th></tr>        <?php foreach($answers as $a) {            if (!($v = $a->display())) continue; ?>            <tr>                <th><?php    echo $a->getField()->get('label');                ?>:</th>                <td><?php    echo $v;                ?></td>            </tr>            <?php } ?>        </table>    <?php    $idx++;} ?> I have attached an image and wish to make the table below "Jobcard Details" appear the same as the one above it  Thank youLerato


This does not appear to be a suggestion or feedback.  Moving to Mods and Customizations.Are you seriously running 1.10-DPR (Developer Preview Release)?  If you are then you should upgrade immediately... and I highly doubt that anyone will be able to assist you with that version.

Sorry noob error... and the 1.10 im runnning is the official releasethank you

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