Hi expert of this great community.I facing a problem trying to install osticket. first of all, after deploy the application, I've found the table table ost_ticket_cdate doesn't exits!OS: Ubuntu 16.4php version: 7.0.8mysql version: 5.7.16web server: apache 2.4.18osticket: 1.10What I have done is to create manually the table ost_ticket_cdata. Now the error doesn't apeare but even that, when i attempt to create a new user, the system stock loading and never stop, and if I go to see the error's log, nothing is there.


Initial page.PNG


__Cdata is a temporary table that gets generated any time you visit a page (like ticket page, user page, etc).If it is not being generated (and you had to create the table yourself) perhaps your DB user doesn't have the Create permission on the database?  You checked your MySQL error logs?

I followed your suggest, and reinstall osticket using root user DB.But its the same. the error show up. ost_ticket__cdata doesn't exits.Iám looking for similar problem in this foro, and it seems that there is a few error with this table.why this is happened more often.my database user has all privileges.What else must I check?do you recommend to create the table ost_ticket_Cdata manually?may be i miss something, is there any trick to make it works? DB Error #1146 Table 'osticket11.ost_ticket__cdata' doesn't exist

After a few step i have activate the error show, inside boostrap file. and Now when I go to ticket page I'm able to see this errror. Fatal error..Fatal error: Uncaught InconsistentModelException: Unable to prepare query: SELECT A4.`staff_id` AS `lock__staff_id`, A1.`staff_id` AS `staff_id`, A1.`isoverdue` AS `isoverdue`, A1.`team_id` AS `team_id`, A1.`ticket_id` AS `ticket_id`, A1.`number` AS `number`, A2.`subject` AS `cdata__subject`, A6.`address` AS `user__default_email__address`, A1.`source` AS `source`, A3.`priority_color` AS `cdata__`, A3.`priority_desc` AS `cdata__`, A1.`status_id` AS `status_id`, A7.`name` AS `status__name`, A7.`state` AS `status__state`, A1.`dept_id` AS `dept_id`, A8.`name` AS `dept__name`, A5.`name` AS `user__name`, A1.`lastupdate` AS `lastupdate`, A1.`isanswered` AS `isanswered`, B0.`firstname` AS `staff__firstname`, B0.`lastname` AS `staff__lastname`, B1.`name` AS `team__name`, (SELECT COUNT(R0.`id`) AS `count` FROM `ost_thread` Q7 JOIN `ost_ticket` Q8 ON (Q7.`object_type` = 'T' AND Q7.`object_id` = Q8.`ticket_id`) LEFT JOIN `ost_thread_collaborator` R0 ON (Q7.`id` = R0.`thread_id`) WHERE in /var/www/html/osticket10/include/class.orm.php on line 3134any sugestion?

OH ooooooooooooooooooooooo My God lol, the problem is the languaje pack spanish!I did a fresh install from scratch and let out languaje pack, now it work! perfectly.So my quetions is, is there any languaje pack spanish for this version?

1.10 language packs have not been released at this time.

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