It would be very useful if we could move the community to an irc channel for live chat for client2staff, staff2staff, client2client etc...

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll pass it along.

the irc channel is already there #osTicketEveryone is welcomed to join.@[deleted] it would be nice if the channel would appear in the contact section of osTickets site.

I'll pass that request along,

Holy cow, I haven't used IRC since 2002. This is a good idea :) I will re-join IRC and get on the chat sometime in the near future.

@[deleted] you bet it is, the big houses use it since forever, php, javascript, java, oracle, jquery, c++, c#and 1k more...

@[deleted] Do you have the server I can connect to in order to access OSTickets channel? I am a noob again with IRC

@[deleted] use and then join #osticket

@[deleted] let me know if you need more help;...

@[deleted] Thanks, Yeah, I may, it's not letting me connect. What software do you use? I am using XChat.

@[deleted] - Got it, I had to go to and then #OSTicket. 

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