Is there a way to configure OsTicket platform, so i can extract information about Ticket status at any point of event logs/thread ? Maybe a short example, what i need would be best. Here is a sample thread.Ticket created - 3.10.2016Ticket assigned - 3.10.2016Ticked closed - 5.10.2016Ticket repoened 13.10.2016Ticket closed - 20.10.2016Ticket repoened 30.10.2016Ticket resolved 30.10.2016So now, i would like to know what status it had at a day for example  17.10.2016 which would be reopened/open. Currently only information Ive got is a ticket status, which is current status form table ost_ticket. But, i need to make reports, and see what is happening, during certain point of time, thats why i need this information. 

You could write a mod to pull that information from the ost_ticket_thread (directly from the database).  That information may also be in the event ost_ticket_event table.  However there is no way to look at the data the way you are describing in the UI.  You would have to look at each ticket and scroll through the the whole thread looking for the date.  

Ok in that case, is there a way to add my own status for a ticket as an action which will have different 'state' in table ost_ticket_event  ? Ive add "bounced", extended field enum in ost_ticket_event table for that field, but i dont know how to assign a new state for that status. Ok im might be a bit chaotic let me explain.Currently, as a default feature of os ticket, we got state defined as open/closed/repoened/assigned and somthing more, doesent matter. Thread can be changed to status bounced - by this i owuld like to change state in ost_ticket_thread state column to status. How do i make dependency beetween new status and state ? IS there a table that connects those two ? I was looking for it, but coulden tfind the connection.

You can quickly and easily add custom statuses at: Admin panel -> Manage -> Lists -> Ticket Statuses

Yes i know, i did that. What i cannot do, is go to list positions -> properties of new value, and i cannot set status of a ticket to other values than OPEN/CLOSED. What i need to do, it's to add a new custom value like bounced to that list. Can i do that without modyfying php code? Do i need to insert some values into database? Maybe ill try to explain, what do i need in the end. I' creating reprots by extracting information from database, using tabel ost_ticket_event. I have added a new status, just like You mentioned above, which is - boucned back to customer. TO that status i would like it to have a state - bounced. As far i understand, this information would be stored in ost_ticket_event, which would give me knwoledge about a status of a ticket at any point of time. Also it have other benefits, like discontinue of track of time spent on ticket bu my company. So i presume that the list from the properties window of a new status, is somehow generated from the database, or it's hardcoded from php file responsible for this view.  

Tickets ultimately have two states.  Open or Closed.  Think of them as archtypes.  While you can add more statuses to the system they area ll ultimately of one of those two Archtypes.  Either you want the ticket to be open or closed. In my usages case I have one called Pending.  I use this to track when a ticket is in pending status of awaiting for something outside of IT's control.  (ie when awaiting a request for more information from the customer, etc). This ticket status is of the archtype Open... because clearly the ticket is not resolved and shouldn't be close.I have no idea how to add other archetypes, but doing so could break all kinds of things if your not careful

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