I am using osTicket and I am altering the ticket-print.tmpl.php file to Modify the report layout. I want one section to start on a new page this is the current code I have which is standard to the osTicket oneBetween <!-- Ticket metadata --> and <!-- Custom Data -->I would like to add a page break if I can call it that, so that <!-- Custom Data -->starts on it's own pageI am altering the ticket-print.tmpl file at this point any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

I think that you would find this helpful.https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=mpdf%20page%20break

I have tried all variables still not getting the page break :( 

So where in the file did you put the $mpdf->AddPage();


<pagebreak />

Are you trying to modify the page print version or the PDF print function?

Assuming the latter, and that you're using 1.9.x, and that custom data refers to dynamic form fields, you can simply add


to include/class.pdf.php just before

foreach (DynamicFormEntry:($ticket->getId()) as $form) {

Trying to modify print HTML to achieve a page break is possible, but annoying. I've got it working in Firefox if you're interested I'll look it up.

I have found the following to use to get page break<pagebreak />

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