Hi all,I've been looking quite a bit at OSTicket, which seems like an ideal solution to fill my company's support software desires, but there's one trouble I could use some advice on.I've read through the forums and it sounds like my initial observation is correct:  OSTicket can either do plaintext email *or* it can parse rich text, but never both.  Is there a mod that might allow my support people (largely me) to see the original text email *and* the rendered rich text version?Reasoning:  I have two kinds of customers.  Those who like to send lots of rich text tables and highlighted text and other wonderful "pretty" elements are one type.  The other type are the kind who really have a lower level problem most easily expressed by sending me a block of source code.  Sometimes I suppose there's a thrid type, the kind who want to do both in the same email.In my testing, OSTicket handles purely rich text fine, when in rich text mode, but tries to parse code, generally making a mess.  In text-only mode, as you'd imagine, code comes through fine, but rich text tables and things are more or less illegible.  Is there a mod that might let my users switch back and forth and choose whether to render or not render the email?I'm certainly not above getting in and making a mod myself if my management gives me the OK, but I wonder if there's one that already exists (I have been looking but have not seen one), or perhaps a coming feature when 1.10 becomes production-ready.

... and I accidentally posted this in the wrong forum.  Please forgive.  Moderators:  This should have gone in general discussion or mods and customizations.  Sorry about that.

@[deleted] I have moved your thread to the General Discussions section as you requested. :)As far as your problem goes... that's a tough one, and I'm afraid I do not have an answer for you.  So I'm going to do what I can and ask the devs to take a look at this thread, and give us some feedback on how they would recommend that we get around this issue.

a month later

Thanks @[deleted],I'm downloading the new 1.10 version now to continue evaluation.  I'd be interested to hear what the dev team thinks on this topic.

I haven't heard anything about it from them yet.  I re-pinged them though so hopefully someone will get back to me or chime in.

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