Hi Guys,I would like to get OSTicket on Synology to send notification e-mails.I have problems setting up SMTP e-mailing in OSTicket v1.9.13 under E-mails\E-mails menu.If I give every necessary info:Email Login information: Username, Password; Sending Email vie SMTP: Status - Enable, Hostname: , Port nuber: 465, Auth. required: Yes, Header spoofing: YesClicking on "Save changes" - the LOADING status hangs and freezes ending in HTTP 405 ERROR.Any suggestions on thsee?Would be the most welcome!Thanks

HTTP 405 is method not allowed.  My guess is that your webserver (synology) doesn't allow the method used (I would guess POST but am not sure.)  Either way if you look at your webserver logs I think that it will give you a better error message to hopefully explain whats going on.

Thanks.Something is failing due to the SSL. With TLS (port 587) i get a proper error message.Where shall I find the webserver logs? var/log?thnx

You would find the webserver logs where ever you configured them to be put. (or where ever the default for your OS is).  It's set in your webserver configuration.  You may need to contact synology support to find out where the logs are.

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