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Collaborators are notified on tickets updates, but i need notify them when new ticket is created. Is it possible?Maybe adding collaborators before to create the Ticket?In which files i can change this?Thanks.
Collaborators are notified on tickets updates, but i need notify them when new ticket is created. Is it possible?Maybe adding collaborators before to create the Ticket?In which files i can change this?Thanks.
moving thread to mods and customizations.There is no way to do this via the ui at this time.Emails with CC's will add the collaborators when the ticket is generate though.
ok, perhaps modifying the file class.ticket.php for adding collaborators before the creation of the ticket?
I think I've found a workaround (maybe a final solution) about this and only in a few lines of code.I have tested and it works.osTicket version: 1.9.14File: /include/class.ticket.phpline 990:function onNewTicket($message, $autorespond=true, $alertstaff=true) {...line 1012://Send auto response - if enabled. if($autorespond && $cfg->autoRespONNewTicket() && $dept->autoRespONNewTicket() && ($msg=$tpl->getAutoRespMsgTemplate())) { $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('message' => $message, 'recipient' => $this->getOwner(), 'signature' => ($dept && $dept->isPublic())?$dept->getSignature():'') ); $email->sendAutoReply($this->getOwner(), $msg, $msg, null, $options); // START WORKAROUND: Notify collaborators on New Ticket if ($cfg->notifyCollabsONNewMessage()) { // Check if Collaborators should be notified. $this->notifyCollaborators($message, array('signature' => ($dept && $dept->isPublic())?$dept->getSignature():'')); } // END WORKAROUND }
I have made a pull request:https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/pull/3378
With this solution, you have to check the Auto-responder setting for new ticket to ticket owner.Admin panel---> Manage---> Autoresponder--->New Ticket: Ticket ownerThanks for the solution.
Hey @NazirMohamed & @adrigonzalvez
I've just followed your Mod and it still works with the latest version cool!
Since it is re-using New Activity Notice notification to mail collaborators about it, the message in it isn't a 100% relevant for a new ticket notice (it sends a message about an update made to an existing ticket), so I was wondering if you had an idea if we could force a re-write of the email notification when this notification gets triggered on a new ticket.
You see what I mean?
Hey all, is it possible that this mods makes end-user receive the agent notification for new reply/note??