HI,The default page size maximum allowed is 50 as of now. If we want to view 500 users on user directory page to register them together how do we do it?Is there a way to increase the page size more than 50?

Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.  The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.Version of osTicket?This does not appear to be a suggestion or feedback.  Moving thread to General Discussion.

4 days later

I have the same needs. But i cannot find anyway to set the page size for Users also.

5 days later

Hello mukeshb,>> The default page size maximum allowed is 50 as of now. If we want to view 500 users on user directory >> page to register them together how do we do it?

>> Is there a way to increase the page size more than 50?Yes it is possible :-)

edit only:


// my mod<?php$pagelimit=$info?$info:$cfg->getPageSize();for ($i = 5; $i <= 500; $i += 5) { $sel=($pagelimit==$i)?'selected="selected"':''; echo sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>'.__('show %s records').'</option>',$i,$sel,$i);} ?>// my mod

Now you can view 500 Users :-) but now the "default page size maximum allowed" is for all pages 500! ... is this a problem - see 05.jpg?!

Best Regardscitrixraptor






@[deleted] I notice another "Default Page Size" setting under "Admin Panel > System"This seems to set the default for all new agents.need to edit:

\include\staff\settings-system.inc.php        <tr><td><?php echo __('Default Page Size');?>:</td>            <td>                <select name="max_page_size">                    <?php                     $pagelimit=$config;                    for ($i = 5; $i <= 50; $i += 5) {                        ?>                        <option <?php echo $config==$i?'selected="selected"':''; ?> value="<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?></option>                        <?php                    } ?>                </select>                <i class="help-tip icon-question-sign" href="#default_page_size"></i>            </td>        </tr>

Hello @[deleted],

@[deleted]: You are welcome ...

and your are right ... :-)

with \include\staff\settings-system.inc.php ,

but i like it, when a user can set it individually ;-)

Best Regards


5 years later

in \include\staff\settings-system.inc.php:
$pagelimit = $staff->max_page_size ?: $cfg->getPageSize();
for ($i = 50; $i <= 500; $i += 50) {
echo sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>'.__('show %s records').'</option>',$i,$sel,$i);
} ?>

or you can use a custom set with:
$pagelimit = $staff->max_page_size ?: $cfg->getPageSize();
//for ($i = 50; $i <= 500; $i += 50) {
$pagenum = array(5, 10, 25 ,50, 75, 100, 250, 500); //edit it to your needs
foreach($pagenum as $i) {
echo sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>'.__('show %s records').'</option>',$i,$sel,$i);
} ?>

5 months later

Hi All.
Any idea how we can do this on the latest version?

This hasn't changed.


Look for "max_page_size"

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