Hi,We use osTicket at my college and I've been working on a PHP app to display currently open tickets alongside when they were opened and who they are assigned to on a monitor in the IT room so we can see at a glance who has what to do.Unfortunately, my SQL isn't good enough to build a query that works reliably. I've had it working but every time I do something stops working. For example, I can pull all open tickets but unassigned tickets now don't get added to the list. I'm looking for a solution like this one: http://www.tmib.net/add-client-side-open-ticket-list-osticket-17st Although it doesn't look to me that the SQL database works the same way in the newer versions. The forum post here: http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//show-open-tickets-to-public/p1 seems to suggest that this was a planned feature in 2013, has it been implemented and I'm just missing it?Thanks

There is a more recent version of the 1.7ST article that you linked  It's here:http://tmib.net/add-client-side-open-ticket-list-osticket-19-or-110

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