Hello community,I'm running osTicket 1.9.12 on xampp infrastructure on Win 2008 Server, and as in the title, I need to face the problem of manage the ost_file_chunk table. Saving attachment on db is a requirement and 90% of the backup space (around 5GB after 2 months) is made by file chunks in the table.So, I thought that having a routine that periodically (e.g. once per month) deletes attachments that refers to tickets that have been closed more than a month ago, would solve somehow the problem of having a huge ost_file_chunk table. In this way I would keep ticket threads also for older tickets loosing just the attachments.So the question now is: what I'm missing in the big picture? which would be the pros and cons of such a strategy? Any other ideas?Thank you in advance for time and advices you will share here.Gianlukas

2 months later

@[deleted] , i am in the same situation as you do. And i also thinking to take the same approach.haven't done it in production however.1) if keeping the records in "ost_file" and just delete from "ost_file_chunk", the online tickets will still show the attachment alongside. Clicking on the attachment links will give blank screen however. At least still see there should be attachment alongside.2) if also delete the records in "ost_file", will then completely lose track of attachment history from ticket. you won't even know there was attachements for such tickets.I thinking to backup the "ost_file_chunk", at least has a way to retrieve the attachment in case the old tickets are revisited.what do you think?

8 years later

This thread might be old, but might go some way to help explain the speed issue im trying to fix, I wondered if using the community MySQL edition has limitations, I believe table size is one and the file chunk only has 3m left... so attachments are essential, but not on closed tickets..
I will report back here

This thread is 8 years old.
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