Hi,How can I add the "Organization Name" from Table: ost_organization Field: name to the ticket view? I managed Department easily as it is in the $tickets->values, however there is nothing related to Orgnazaiton.I cannot find where the SQL is being built in "tickets.inc.php"$tickets->values('lock__staff_id', 'staff_id', 'isoverdue', 'team_id','ticket_id', 'number', 'cdata__subject', 'user__default_email__address','source', 'cdata__', 'cdata__', 'status_id', 'status__name', 'status__state', 'dept_id', 'dept__name', 'user__name', 'lastupdate', 'isanswered', 'staff__firstname', 'staff__lastname', 'team__name');

Please see this thread:http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//a-better-ticket-listIt ought to point you in the right direction.

This is a very old thread an refers to osTicket 1.8Where can I find the SQL as there is no $qfrom= and $qselec= statements in the "tickets.inc.php"

That is a very old thread that spans 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10.

Where can I find the SQL as there is no $qfrom= and $qselec= statements in the "tickets.inc.php"

6 years later

we are in the testing phase for osTicket and are struggling exactly with this problem. We tested a dozen other soutions for helpdesk/tickets, in all solutions it was possible to show the organisation / customer the ticket belongs to. I can´t find a possibility to add a "organisation"-column in the ticket overview.
Is it impossible at all?
Best regards, Lars


    Of course you can...go to Admin Panel > Settings > Tickets > Queues, click on any Queue, click Columns tab, click Add a Column dropdown and select Add New. This will give you a popup to add a new column. For Primary Data Source select User / Organization / Name, give it a name, click Save, click Add next to the dropdown, and Save Changes. Now when you go to that Queue you'll see a column for Organization Name.


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