Hello all,I have OST up and running, with four departments and several agents. We're using this internally, so, odd as it is, most or all of our users will be agents as well. Thus far, this seems to be okay. Where I'm having problems is properly configuring and taking advantage of email notifications.Here are a few scenarios I've come across that don't make sense to me.* I emailed a ticket to our Graphics department. The ticket was created from my email, and all agents in that department were notified. Cool! But then, one agent replied to the email; her comment was saved internally, but not emailed to anyone. I logged in (I'm an admin) and replied to the ticket through the website, and I got an email with my own comment. Why would email-based comments email no one, but site-based comments email only the user who posted them? I want any comment to at least email the ticket owner. If a ticket lacks a specific owner, notifications should go to the department and/or manager.* New ticket alert emails have no link to the ticket. They say that a ticket was created, but that's it. There's a login link in the bottom of the message, but no link right to the new ticket which is otherwise the focus of the message.* I said before that no one--not even the ticket owner--gets emails about replies to tickets. Yet, if I enable the "internal activity" notification option, the owner DID get a message that new activity had been logged. He got that, but didn't get the actual message? Why? All notifications are enabled and set as I believe they should be.I'm having great luck with every other aspect of this system so far. When it comes to emails/notifications, however, I'm finding no end of problems. No doubt these are my errors--in understanding or actions--but I'm not sure how to resolve the problems I've come up against so far. Any guidance will be much appreciated.

You haven't told us which version of osTicket you are running."one agent replied to the email; her comment was saved internally, but not emailed to anyone."correct.  Email responses are saved as internal notes.  Internal notes do not trigger departmental updates.Q: Why would email-based comments email no one, but site-based comments email only the user who posted them?A: site based comments are logged as New Message, and the New Message Alert triggers.both of these alerts have a "Department Manager" option. Admin panel -> Settings -> Alerts and Notices."New ticket alert emails have no link to the ticket. They say that a

ticket was created, but that's it. There's a login link in the bottom of

the message, but no link right to the new ticket which is otherwise the

focus of the message."Have you edited the template for said alert?"He got that, but didn't get the actual message? "Have you added the message to the template?

You haven't told us which version of osTicket you are running.Sorry, 1.9.12."one agent replied to the email; her comment was saved internally, but not emailed to anyone."correct.  Email responses are saved as internal notes.  Internal notes do not trigger departmental updates.Is there a way to change that? I envision many of our agents quickly responding to emails as a way to update a ticket, and I'd rather those responses be logged as replies instead of internal notes.Q: Why would email-based comments email no one, but site-based comments email only the user who posted them?A: site based comments are logged as New Message, and the New Message Alert triggers.That makes more sense, but I'd still like to change that if I can.both of these alerts have a "Department Manager" option. Admin panel -> Settings -> Alerts and Notices.But is there a way to send new message notifications to the agent assigned to the ticket and the email address used to open the ticket?"New ticket alert emails have no link to the ticket. They say that a ticket was created, but that's it. There's a login link in the bottom ofthe message, but no link right to the new ticket which is otherwise thefocus of the message."Have you edited the template for said alert?No, I've looked over the templates but haven't edited anything yet. As an aside, nothing happens when I click the link to show me valid variable names. I suspect this is due to my using a screen reader?"He got that, but didn't get the actual message? "Have you added the message to the template?The template appears to already have a variable in place for the message. I can check again with the agent, as he may have just missed it.Thank you for the quick response!

Q: Is there a way to change that?A: Not using the ui.  You would have to alter the core files to change this behavior.Q: But is there a way to send new message notifications to the agent

assigned to the ticket and the email address used to open the ticket?A: No.  Internal notes are just that... internal notes.  That is to say that they are not intended for the customer to ever even see. They are notes on the ticket intended for employees and other coworkers to even to oneself.  I often use them to remind me where I left off with working on a ticket if I leave before it is completed.Q: I suspect this is due to my using a screen reader?A: I have no idea.  I dont know what a screen reader is though... so that might be part of it. :)

I wonder how hard a change it would be? Essentially, the workflow my boss is hoping for is this:* Boss emails tickets+graphics@mysite.com, generating a new ticket for the Graphics department, or goes to the site and creates a ticket for them.* All three graphics people get the alert via email that a new ticket has been created. So far, this is working on my installation.* One person replies to the email. This adds a message to the ticket, notifying my boss and anyone else assigned to the ticket. This isn't working.I know all this can be done on the site, but we're coming from years of emailing each other, so it would be ideal if that workflow could remain. The advantage to using OST is due dates, reminders, collaboration, and so on, but I'd like to let people drive this with email as much as possible.Sorry; a screen reader reads aloud what's on the screen. I'm legally blind, so need to use such a program to access my computer, phone, and other devices. OST already has some pretty major, and pretty annoying, problems in its tables of settings that make using those tables quite a pain for me. I think I mentioned that elsewhere at one point but maybe that was to someone else. Anyway, using a screen reader often reveals problems with a site's coding that aren't visually obvious but make it very hard for screen readers to accurately render information to the end user (me). OST has many such problems, so I'm not too surprised that I'm unable to view available variables.

Re: "One person replies to the email. This adds a message to the ticket,

notifying my boss and anyone else assigned to the ticket. This isn't

working."There have been threads in the past about adding this sort of functionality and I know in past versions at least there were some mods here in the forums that indicated how to achieve this by editing the source.Windows 10 has a screen reader built in (Windows key + Enter) its called Narrator mode.  I was actually playing with it earlier today (that and Speech recognition and Cortana).  If you have the time and don't mind writing up a list of all the places that you have issues with the screen reader I would love to pass that list off to the devs so they can make osTicket more compatible with screen readers.

I'll look for those mods then, thanks.Where would be the best place to put a list of accessibility problems? In case it matters, I'm using NVDA, from www.nvda-project.org. It's free, and works WAY better than Narrator. Microsoft did some good things in Win10, but they aren't at the level of a dedicated screen reader like Jaws or NVDA, or a built-in one like VoiceOver on all Apple products. At least they're finally putting serious effort into it.

You can email them to me neil at osticket dot com, or you can start a new thread here or at github.

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