For some reason I get stale ticket alerts when the tickets really aren't all that old, and in almost all cases I actually responded to it not long ago and the customer has not responded back.So I get the stale ticket notice, I click to check it out, see that I already responded not long ago, and simply close back out.  Well then I never get another stale ticket notice for that ticket, so my stale tickets get all built up and I end up having to go back through later and spend a bunch of time catching up on them and closing them out.I'd rather get stale tickets when there is actually no activity in the ticket for some period of time, and then I could keep those cleaned up and closed out on a regular basis a little more easily.  I can't seem to find or figure out how to configure this to do that for me, though..??  Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Stale tickets are based on open to close time you set in your SLA.Once a ticket is stale it is stale.  There is no un-staling a ticket.

What about getting more notifications for a stale ticket?  I get the one (when it's not old) and then I never get another one.  Is there a way to set so I get more notifications once it hasn't been looked at for a while?

Q: What about getting more notifications for a stale ticket?A: No?You get a notification when it passes the SLA timer.  That's it.  At that point it is old..... you missed your SLA.Depending on how you have things configured you may get notifications for other things (like the user adding a new message, etc).  But you only get one "This ticket is old" notification. 

Ok, I guess it just seems like there's a missing piece there.  Like, if I get a "this ticket is old" notification, and then I open the ticket, review it, maybe even respond to it (or not if I just recently did), then it should be kicked back into a "no longer old" status shouldn't it?So then after the SLA times passes again it would trigger another stale notification..??  That's what I'm looking for.  Maybe there's another term besides "stale" I should be using for that scenario and then there would be a way to setup such a notification..??

Q: Like, if I get a "this ticket is old" notification, and then I open the

ticket, review it, maybe even respond to it (or not if I just recently

did), then it should be kicked back into a "no longer old" status

shouldn't it?A: No.  SLA is Service Level Agreement.  You have X amount of time to resolve the issue.  If you do not then you have broken your SLA... Q: So then after the SLA times passes again it would trigger another stale notification..??A: No.  That's not how SLA's work..Q: Maybe there's another term besides "stale" I should be using for that

scenario and then there would be a way to setup such a notification..??A: Nope.  osTicket only has SLA's for that sort of thing.

7 years later

I apologize profusely for replying to a seven-year-old thread, but I'm curious to know if angelleye ever found a solution for this dilemma. We are fairly new to osTicket at our school help desk, and I'd like a stale ticket reminder on the sort that angelleye is describing. We don't employ SLAs in our business model; we just want good follow-through with our tickets.
I found another thread here where the same request was made and some modified PHP code was presented, but that stuff is 13 years old, and I don't have a clue as to whether it's compatible with v1.18.
If it's better for me to make this a new thread, please let me know.

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