Hi there,how can i modify the Printpage to show each modification time from every entry from a ticket and not only the summary-time? I think its possible to do changes in class.pdf.php but how can i add there a field with the variable? I already tried but no solution. I need help please!Thank you!

Version of osTicket?Add a field to the ticket details built in form?  Populate it with information.  Then try?

Version: 1.9.11 (Cause we use the German Version (http://osticket.com.de/)If i use the Original with translation, there are some functions missing.A custom Field would not help. When somebody add a entry to the Ticket (intern notice or Answer) the time counts automatic. I attach a screenshot of it. We need that times on the internal print-layout so we can see on the print every time from the entrys.


The "version of osTicket" that you are using is not official, and not supported here.You should contact the authors of it http://osticket.com.de for support.We only support the versions that we put out at: http://osticket.com/downloads

Ok, i would use the offical version.Can i add there a custom field where we can add the time for at every entry? I already tried to add a field to the ticket details built in form but this seems only be one field when creating the ticket. We need it for every own entry (Answer, internal notice) Is this possible?

OK, thanks anyway. I resolved it. Could be closed.

Q: I already tried to add a field to the ticket details built in form but

this seems only be one field when creating the ticket. We need it for

every own entry (Answer, internal notice) Is this possible? A: I dont think so.That would require modifying the code."I resolved it. Could be closed."Out of curiosity what was your resolution?

I do not know if it helps for the official Version.I added theses Code in class.pdf.php to add a new Field on the printing Page:if($this->includenotes) { require_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.timesheet.php'); // Timesheet include $time = Timesheet:(Timesheet:($entry)); $this->WriteCell($w/2, 7, " $time hh", 'TBRL', 1, 'L', true); }

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