- Edited
@[deleted] if I am reading the other threads information correctly while the upgrade to PHP 5.6 fixes other issues in 1.10 RC3 your fix for the LDAP plugin does not work with php 5.6. Is that correct?
@[deleted] if I am reading the other threads information correctly while the upgrade to PHP 5.6 fixes other issues in 1.10 RC3 your fix for the LDAP plugin does not work with php 5.6. Is that correct?
Incorrect.The fix I did for the LDAP plugin DOES work with PHP 5.6 and OSTicket 1-10-rc3.
Right now I have PHP Version
5.6.22-1+donate.sury.org~trusty+1This fixed my problem.
Yes...in the other thread you stated that you wrote your own LDAP auth mechanism.The OSticket plugin that can be downloaded is the one that is affected.This one is the one on the downloads page:Authentication :: LDAP and Active Directory
Latest Stable Release, v0.6.2 Released April, 10th, 2015If anyone is having a problem with this plugin, pleas see the thread listed above mentioned by Rich_C.
@[deleted] have you submitted this via git at all? Could allow for a quick re-release by the powers that be.
@[deleted] he said that he had not reported it on github the other day in this thread: http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//v1-10-rc3-ldap-authentication-and-lookup
I do not know how nor want to use git.Being that I got it to work, does not mean there are not other issues.If there is a simpler method for letting the plug-in maintainers know what I did, I am all for it.I'm fairly new to OSTicket in general.. We are still setting it up to be able to use it. Lots more needs to be done.
One does need to know how to use git to report a bug issue.https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-plugins/issues/new
Step-by-step to fix the osTicket 1.10 rc3 auth-ldap issue:Update your installed php-pear-Net-LDAP2 package to 2.2.0 or greater. On CentOS 7, I did this by first installing the Remi repo, then uninstalling my old php-pear-Net-LDAP2 package, then installing the new package from the Remi repo. See this page for details: https://pkgs.org/centos-7/remi-x86_64/php-pear-Net-LDAP2-2.2.0-1.el7.remi.noarch.rpm.html I should note that I don't know if this is even necessary, since when you hydrate in the next steps, it might be downloading v. 2.2.0+ from somewhere. I don't know... but this is what I did.Install the osTicket-plugins stuff: git clone --branch develop https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-plugins.gitedit make.php - search for http://pear.php.net and change it to https://pear.php.netphp make.php hydratephp -dphar.readonly=0 make.php build auth-ldapcp auth-ldap.phar /your/osticket/plugins/directorysystemctl httpd restartThis fixed my issue, and auth-ldap.phar worked perfectly to authenticate users just as it did in 1.10 rc2.
@[deleted] I've issued a PR to change http to https in the plugin repo.
@[deleted] - Super! I'm not great with git. Thanks for your help and suggestions with this and the other issues I reported over at the project github page.Is there a maintainer of the LDAP plugin who we could notify to update the LDAP2 package to address the other part of the problem, so people can just download the phar and not need to jump through these hoops?
If you opened an issue on github for it, they already know.,
I've created the plugin following jdelisle's steps. It works on CentOS 5 with PHP 5.4 with RC3.You can download the complete PHAR plugin here: https://www.der-rechner-stuttgart.de/download/auth-ldap.zip
So correct me if I am wrong but I thought that the point of the make hydrate command was that it went and grabbed the dependencies for you, and then once everything was in place created the phar of the plugins. So wouldn't it grab the updated library... unless you already had an older version installed (like you mentioned)?
@[deleted], I think you're right, the first step I recommended (getting the latest LDAP2 etc.) may be redundant.
I have been spinning my wheels trying to install a fresh copy of RC.3. Whenever I tried to open it in my browser I would get:http://www.mydomain.com is currently unable to handle this request.500Thank you, @[deleted] I switched to PHP 5.6.23 and now I'm actually getting somewhere. Hopefully someone will update the System Requirements on the Downloads page before too many people have similar experiences. :)