I was considering writing a plugin.  I use Jasper, so I don't need to create a bunch of PHP reports by hand.  I can use the Jaspersoft PHP client, http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/php-client-sample-codeBut would the osTicket users consider it a plugin if you could send it parameters from within osTicket and it pull up the report on Jasper Server on another tab or window?  Or does a Plugin need to be all self-contained and have a report embedded?EDIT:  This is for the Community Edition of Jasper Server

I would think that either is fine.Personally I would prefer that a plugin be self contained, but sometimes that's not an easy thing to do. :)

Well, with Jasper, it is my understanding that if you want to use stock Jasper Reports stuff like Visualize.js, you have to have the commercial version.  You can use an iframe for the Community Edition.  Outside of that you'd have to create your own JavaScript of find a library.  I haven't fully investigated yet.

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