HelloI would like to achieve something like this:Create Ticket Filterwith rule: - Help Topic =  "New employee" (when our HR create new ticket with Help Topic "New employee")execute Action (like):- assign Task: "Create domain user for new employee" (task for Admin1)- assign Task: "Prepare desk and computer station" (task for Admin2)- assign Task: "Create e-mail account for new employee" (task for Admin1)- assign Task: "Prepare trainings for new employee"  (task for someone from other department)hmmm? Any mods? ;) anything similar?I thing it would be good idea to implement this in new version. (?)

I believe that you will be able to do something like this once 1.10 is released, but there is no way to do this in the current version without some serious code alteration.

6 days later

Yes, I thought about 1.10 release but I have not noticed any Actions (in Ticket Filter setup menu) where can I use Task.

14 days later

I would assume he is referring to 1.10 rc??What is being discussed here is something which is HUGE for me and my organization. I have been waiting for 1.10 for a long long time. I love the idea of tasks I also like the idea of auto-task creation within tickets.Ideally these tasks could or would be assigned by a category being selected. 

"What is being discussed here is something which is HUGE for me and my organization."+1Same here.

@[deleted] now the element of this I am curious about is how the permissions will work for tasks. Can the assignee of the task ticket view the entire ticket or are they limited ot just their task ticket? Ideally that would be an option within the settings- IMO.

I haven't really played with tasks much since I ahve been waiting for the devs to actually finish the feature... so I don't know how permissions will work.  I presume the only the person the task is assigned to and the task "owner" will be able to see it.

20 days later

I have been playing around with tasks in the 1.10 version. By the way: there are lots of issues with the downloadable Release Candidate, many of which have already been fixed. So be sure if you want to have a peak and maybe report bugs to use the most current GIT branch, not the months old RC. Maybe it is time for an RC3?However: I did not find a way for auto task creation, like suggested here. For me, too, this would be an amazing and very helpful feature. So big that I would consider spending a couple of weekends to implement it and send a pull request. Of course, with the available API this could be done externally, but I really think it would be a great in-software addition.Please correct me if I'm wrong and just didn't find the feature, but it is actually in the code already...

Q: Maybe it is time for an RC3?A: When its ready, yes I agree.It's not implemented yet.

2 years later

Was this ever figured out? I have the same request! I would agree. It would be extremely helpful to have the ability to choose a help topic that is setup to assign a specific a task list. Will give you an example. We are using it for new employees. We are rather spread out agency, have numerous different systems / departments. (Human Resources, IT, EMR/EHR Support, Billing, Business Services / Facility) When HR & Supervisor decide to hire someone a "New Employee" ticket is entered in the system. This ticket is assigned to a group / team that is notified. the Tasks are created as tasks under the ticket, These teams and groups all have different responsibilities. Here's a brief overview....IT - Network, Security, Account Creations, email etc....EMR / EHR (Electronic Medical Record) - Account Creations, Specific setup in EHR, Etc....Billing - Start Enrollment process with insurance companies, Medicaid, Etc.....Facilities / Business Services - Office Space, Keys, Cars, etc...If a new employee ticket was entered, it could then create a list of IT related tasks and assign them to the IT Group and so on for each department. Each department could complete there part, once the departments have finished each section the ticket then can be closed and completed. I have not found a way to do the above, If you have insight. please let me know! Thanks!

9 months later
3 months later

I'm also looking for something like OP. I am looking to automate the process of creating tasks when a ticket is created. For example;

  1. User fills out a form to create a ticket. They have the option to select "SAP account" and "AD Account"
  2. If "SAP Account" is selected, a task should be automatically created, and assigned to the SAP team/department
  3. If "AD Account" is selected, a task should be automatically created, and assigned to the SysAdmin team/department

Anyone know if this is possible with the on-prem version? Or is this functionality available on the cloud/hosted version?


a year later

any news about this? It can be very very useful.
every time creating them every time manually is a pain

3 months later

We also would love to have a template for the exact reason of employee on and off boarding. multiple departments involved be nice to have some check boxes that this employee needs x done for them depending on the type of employee.

a year later

Looking to see if this is on the road map for employee on and off boarding. Or is this something we can customize.

3 years later

Anyone have a template or form for On / Off boarding? I would love to store this with user's profile.

Just to update this thread as it’s so old:
This was going to be part of Canned Tasks (you can search and find the pull on GitHub). It was developed by a previous employee but was never finished before he left. He started working on it and rebasing/updating it again years later but then abandoned it again. Since we have been focusing on v2.0 any new features have been put aside and slated for v2.0. This means there have been no further updates to Canned Tasks. If you want such functionality before v2.0 then you will have to simply customize the code yourself. When customizing the code you are always on your own as you are deviating from core. You will proceed at your own risk. Good luck!

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