Hi,I am looking for a way to only print out a single message, not the full ticket thread. Is there a mod here or anyone working on making one? I've been messing around with these files: include/class-pdf.php and /include/staff/templates/thread-entry-tmpl.php to no avail.I even created a file named /include/staff/templates/message-print.tmpl.php which is just the ticket thread display version of /include/staff/templates/ticket-print.tmpl.php but can't figure out a way to use it.blankAnyway, this screenshot pretty much sums up what I'm trying to accomplishAnyone?Thank you in advance for any clues/feedback/etc.

5 days later

First off 1.10rc2 should not be used in a production environment.  Its a Release Candidate and not the final version.  I cannot stress this enough.What your talking about is not a feature of osTicket.  To my knowledge it is also not a planned feature of osTicket.  The best and fastest way that I can think of to print this would be to use the Snipping Tool included with Windows since Win7.  That lets you select part of the screen and save or email the snip.  Once saved it can also be printed. More information about the snipping tool can be found here:http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/use-snipping-tool-capture-screen-shots#1TC=windows-7

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