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Hello,Can anyone guide us for our problem?In few cases , new messages/ new tickets are not showing at open section. This is causing a major problem in our customer support.So, please help us out from this situation.
Hello,Can anyone guide us for our problem?In few cases , new messages/ new tickets are not showing at open section. This is causing a major problem in our customer support.So, please help us out from this situation.
What version are you using? And check the department that you are in and the department of the ticket. Also check if you have "Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets." checked on your agent page.
You're tickets are assigned to a department that your user account does not have access to.Change your department or group settings on your login account.
Hello All,Thank you for your valuable suggestions.Our OS ticket version is osTicket (v1.10-rc.2).
All the tickets are assigned to same department. Those are visible in the answered panel, but in real the last message is not answered by us that is causing the main issue in our business.
Please suggest.
osTicket 1.10 rc2 is the Release Candidate 2 of the upcoming version 1.10. Since it's a release candidate we do not really support it yet here at the forum and it's not ready yet for productive environments / productive use!@[deleted]Please correct me if I'm wrong with something said above.
Between if you have "Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets. checked on your agent page." and this: "You're tickets are assigned to a department that your user account does not have access to.Change your department or group settings on your login account." You should also check Admin panel -> Settings -> Tickets -> Answered Tickets.I do not have any other suggestions. These are the only reasons I have ever seen someone have this problem.@[deleted] is correct.