I wrote a shiebboleth authentication modul. This modul has to handle

custom fields for each user, data comes from shibboleth header

variables.All I'm going to do is simple save the dynamic field value without displaying and parsing an entire form (and decoding field names). I digged a lot, but couldn't find the right solution.

This does not appear to be a Suggestion or Feedback.  I have moved this thread to the Mods and Customization section.  Also as a side note you probably want to include the version that you are running so that someone can actually assist you.

Thanks for moving into the correct section!I have v1.9.12 installed.

2 months later

Please help me out or let me know if it's not possible and i have a bad approach.

@[deleted] wrote a mod that syncs data between LDAP and osTicket... maybe you can look at his code and see how he does it.https://github.com/Chefkeks/osTicket-Addons

Thank you!He does it with sql, no ost functions are used. I can do it with same solution, just wondering that there is no demand for that for other guys and no ost solution exists for that.

You're writing custom code... you can write your code however you want.

I definitely do, I'll share it as soon as it get's ready and will capable to handle dynamic forms.

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