Hello,I've decided to use this plugin in order to store attachments on hard drive instead of db... it works fine..While testing ticket system I've created a lot of tickets, some of them with attachments...Later I deleted all tickets and found that attachments on hard drive are still there!!So, I think if ticket deleted, then associated attachments also must be deleted..what do you think?

are you running cron.php?orphaned files are cleaned up after 24 hours.

They will be deleted via the next cron call after a delay of 24 hours:https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/1966#issuecomment-94456719

yes, I run cron.php to fetch mail.so, if I get it right, it is enough to run cron.php and attachments for deleted tickets will be deleted after 24 hours?

@[deleted] is correct.

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