If i use the osTicket search box on the tickets page to search for an IP address (which is part of the main ticket body as well as a custom field) i get no returns?Searching for text strings is fine- however is there something about the search box that handles numbers differently? Has anyone else run into this issue?

Never tried to search for an IP, but when you search for a number osTicket tries to match that to a ticket number.

I dont think that I have ever tried that either...

Ok, just tried and it seems to not really work.The thing is that the IP address I searched for was found, but there have also been 5 other tickets which were found. So my guess is that osTicket just searches for the first 2 numbers and the dot between and after them.Searched IP: (tried also "", '', %, and so on)Results:All ticket which contained 100.200.(100.200 <--- second part of IP seems to be ignored)Seems like just the first 2 numbers are searched.So got tickets with, but also, and So the search seems to work, but not for full IP addresses - only for a part of the IP address and because of that you will get the right ticket, but also some other wrong tickets in the results.

Thanks for the info Chefkeks.Hmm bit of a puzzler, which are the main classes/functions that handle searching?I might just write a custom search box for my application, but might be worth seeing how the inputs are handled first to see if i can write a fix.My custom build is built over  1.8.x - is this issue fixed in 1.9/.10? If so i might have to upgrade.

Since I'm running 1.9.12 - no it's not fixed.Haven't tested it with 1.10 beta yet.

This is working fine in the 1.10rc2.I also store IP addresses in a custom field, which is allows me to search independently.Guess i better start upgrading :|

Note that 1.10 is still under development and therefore is a rc (release candidate) which shall not be used yet in productive environments since there still some bugs that need to be fixed etc.

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