Hello guys! I installed OSticket and configured it. Everything works fine. But I am not able to upload attachments. Its like a size limit. I can upload files with 3-10 kb but if it gets lager it just says "error undefined 500" . I don't get it. Maybe you guys can help me?

OSTicket Info.PNG


- User side or Agent side?- What limit have you configured for file upload? (Admin Panel > Settings > Tickets > Attachments)- Is the file type / extension allowed to be uploaded? (Admin Panel > Settings > Tickets > Attachments)- Have you checked your PHP error log for possibly more info?

Both sides.  10 Mb each. every extension is allowed. can't find anything.



OSTicket Info.PNG

osTicket 1.9.4 is a bit out-dated and I think around that version a bug was present, so my suggestion is to upgrade to the latest version (1.9.12) ;)

Hrmm I upgraded to 1.9.12. Sadly still not working. But why does it say "This isTicket version no longer supported" ?


v1.9.12 (19292ad) is the newest version, so I guess something in your environment prevents the check of the version. The code for the check is in the file /include/staff/system.inc.php. Maybe it would be better that osticket reports in this case that the check has failed instead of "version is no longer supported"..

I had never this type of problem but maybe it has something to do with your webserver config like in this case:http://pivica.me/blog/500-internal-server-error-while-uploading-files-bigger-then-100kb-modfcgid-problem

Good Morning,I checked the system.inc.php but I'm really bad in php.. BUTI read that blog and tried it. The config I added in the httpd.conf. did not work. but then i checked if that module is installed and it wasn't.after installing it works perfectly!Thanks so much guys.

Great!I'll mark this thread as resolved and close it.Feel free to open a new one for another topic.

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