Hi,I am using osTicket in a sandpit environment with a view to deploying to Live in a month. I've recently upgraded to v1.10 and noticed an error when using Ticket Filtering: Unable to add this ticket filter. Correct error(s) below and try again.I have populated the mandatory fields, the Filter Rules section indicates I need to set at least one rule.The filter I want to add is to set all tickets to Closed when they have been in a Resolved status for over 5 days.I also want to sent an email to users when an Emegency priority call has been raised.Any ideas.

1.10 hasn't been released yet, so I guess you're running one of the beta / release candidate version of 1.10.That said, it is NOT recommended to use 1.10 in production yet!My suggestion therefore is to report this possible bug over at github and also check your php error log for more details.https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/new

Thanks, I also found this which I'm going to implement:http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//1-10-ticket-filter-add-filter-button-does-nothing#latest

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