Hi, I have a specific need on the integration with Drupal. Namely, i need to be able to hook drupal contents to OST 1.9. I need to create content for specific content-types when a ticket is created in OST. Some of these tickets depending on what categories can be edited/updated from drupal. While others just specifically create a support request in OST.How do i go about it? Is there a module that can bridge OST with Drupal vice-versa? Otherwise, where can i hire an affordable coder of which i will make the module freely available to the community?Thank you.-AOS.

I'm not aware of any module like this, but if it existed I would think that it would be over on drupal.org as a plugin. You of course would also need to know the version of Drupal that you are running to make sure any module that you find is compatible with your version of Drupal.

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