Hi,I have 2 users I am testing with.Support User:Name - HirenDepartment: SupportGroup: Service DeskTeam: Level I SupportOrders User:Name - Kobe BryantDepartment: OrdersGroup: Lion TamersTeam: Customer Relations (for orders and sales departments)They both have "Limit Access to own tickets" checked.I have set a filter that auto-assigns a ticket to Orders dept. and customer relations team based on a form field choice. When Kobe uses the department transfer tab under the ticket to transfer the ticket to support, it stays in his open tickets queue. The agent on the support side, Hiren, does not see this ticket. The ticket's department property has changed and can be seen on the ticket list and ticket details view. For the support agent to actually see the ticket in his queue it is necessary to assign the ticket to his team instead; in doing so it will appear on Hiren's queue and disappear on Kobe's queue. Any way to work around this? Or just use assign to team instead of department for agents who have "Limit Access to Assigned" checked as they can't even search for tickets that aren't assigned to them or their team.TLDR: When transferring ticket to another dept, current dept agent can still see the ticket in his open queue until he assigns to another team/person.Thanks for any insight - Hiren

Server InformationosTicket Versionv1.9.8.1 (4752178)Web Server SoftwareApache/2.4.10 (Debian)MySQL Version10.0.16PHP Version5.6.7-1

The systems is working as intended. You're limited agents to "only assigned tickets" and wonder why they cannot see tickets that are not assigned to them! Perhaps your access control need to be department based.

Alright so for now I fixed the issue by auto assigning to teams instead of departments. Everyone will have their "Limited acces"checked because noone wants to see anyone elses tickets. If the limited access is not checked, they see ALL tickets. Here departments have totally different functions (support, sales/orders, IT) so that is not ideal.The reason I auto-assigned certain help topics to departments is because I thought if a ticket was assigned to a department everyone in the department could see it until it is assigned to an individual or team but I stand corrected :) . 

You're mistaken - based on your explanation, I think using limited access is the wrong approach. You can hide assigned tickets from open queue... see Admin Panel > Settings > Tickets > Assigned Tickets as well as My Profile.

Thanks ! It works now. I will still do testing over the weekend as Groups Departments Teams are still a confusing topic for me. :)Thanks for your help ! Can close. 

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