Hello,What code do I comment out to disable the auto-claim on reply feature?  We need unassigned tickets that were closed to remain unassigned when reopened.In other words, disable the "Reopened tickets are always assigned to the last respondent."Thank you

Q: What code do I comment out to disable the auto-claim on reply feature?A: Admin panel -> Setting -> Tickets -> Claim on Response:

Hello Ntozier,I'm specifically trying to disable the "Reopened tickets are always assigned to the last respondent" feature.  blank

I am not aware of any way to change that.

When the ticket is closed in the DB, staff_id = 0 if it was closed unassigned.When the ticket is reopened, staff ID changes to whoever closed it.  I'm pulling my hair out because nothing I change in class.ticket.php is keeping staff_id=0 when reopened.

3 years later

So in the three years that have past since this post (and perhaps even a revision) has anyone solved this one.I to am pulling my hair out on this same problem.....

@[deleted] you would have to edit the core files.  It is working as intended.

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