I decided to use osticket for building my support portal, but our management team need lot of customization. Based on my knowledge I think I need to edit lot of core php files of osticket. I would like to share my concerns with you, kindly go through and share your ideas.Do we have any official documentation available for osticket?How can I update if I edit core php files?How we can add new database tables to osticket ?

I can weigh into this a little bit as I am customizing it myself for a firm.  It appears most core file need to be modified in some sort of way to achieve what I was doing.  Unfortunatly for an upgrade in versions, that will be quite tough as I would need to do a diff on the files to see what changed and then go from there.  When it comes to database tables, I have created them manually.  If it is a plugin, there is a function to do this but only resides on the plugin side of things.Hope some other more senior developer can comment on this as I would like to learn more of the tricks of the trade when it comes to this application. 

Q: Do we have any official documentation available for osticket?A: HAve you written any?  If not then no you dont.  If you mean IS THERE ANY, then all the official documentation is linked from the home page.  http://osticket.com/wikiQ: How can I update if I edit core php files?A: Just like you would alter any other PHP files, with a text editor.  I personally use HTMLKit and NotePad++.Q: How we can add new database tables to osticket ?A: How ever you would normally interact with your database.  I use MySQL Work Bench, a 3rd party piece of software called Navicat Lite, and the MySQL command line.

@[deleted], thank you for your response.In first question I was asking developer documentation like we get from Joomla or some other CMS/Frameworks.In second question, suppose I have modified 'class.nav.php' and same file got modified in the new version, how do we overcome this code conflict issue other can manually comparing and applying my changes again? If I modified an existing DB table by adding a column, same table is modified in newer version, will my modification remain in the table if I update to new version?  

Q: In second question, suppose I have modified 'class.nav.php' and same

file got modified in the new version, how do we overcome this code

conflict issue other can manually comparing and applying my changes

again?A: You can either use github (and use it to merge your changes) or you would have to re-apply your changes manually with each upgrade.  Or you could put your changes into a plugin. Q: If I modified an existing DB table by adding a column, same table is

modified in newer version, will my modification remain in the table if I

update to new version?  A: this is really too broad of a question for me to actually answer.  It would depend on the forth coming database changes that haven't happened yet, and what you did to the tables.  I think that your best bet is to create your own tables to store what you want to store as the devs definitely wouldn't touch those since they won't even know about them. :)

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