As the title suggests really, I've had a go but cant find out how to get the ticket body to be included in the new assigned ticket email that goes out to technicians I have tired %{message} and %{ticket.thread} both didn't work :-(Any help would be greatly appreciated.Cheers

Go to Email Template -> New Ticket AlertYou can update the template ( I have customized the template as given below, it might help you )New ticket #%{ticket.number} has been created Ticket Category: %{ticket.topic}Ticket Subject: %{ticket.subject} From: %{} <%{}> Comments:%{message} 

Tired that, all I get is the actual text "





Tired that, all I get is the actual text "Comments: %{message}" 

Not sure, what's wrong. It's working for me.


3 months later

Long time since updating this but basically the same issue, I cant get the message body in the ticket assigned email no matter what I use, ive tried %{ticket.thread.original}Ive also tried copying all the supported variables into the email template and then creating a new ticket to see what it pulls through all to no avail. Woe is me!Any help would be greatly received.Dan

have you upgraded?

A few months a go yes were on v1.9.11 (c1b5a33) now Upgrade n

i would check the html view of the template , meaning the coding side not the wysiwig and make sure it is formatted properly.

I have the following: <h3><strong>Hi %{},</strong></h3> Ticket <a href="%%7Bticket.staff_link%7D">#%{ticket.number}</a> has been assigned to you by %{} <br><br><table><tbody><tr> <td> <strong>From</strong>: </td> <td> %{} &lt;%{}&gt; &lt;%{}&gt; </td></tr><tr> <td> <strong>Subject</strong>: </td> <td> %{ticket.subject} </td></tr><tr> <td> <strong>Message</strong>: </td> <td> %{ticket.thread.original} </td></tr></tbody></table>

Its working now doing it via the HTML editor.Cheers

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