Hello all,I am working on making some changes I have on our current live version (1.6RC5) on our updated version ( was able to make a custom submenu on version 1.6RC5 by modifying the scp/tickets.php and include/staff/tickets.inc.phpsee oldmenu.jpg and newmenu.jpgBasically, my new submenus where grouped by a custom table I had built (itil_id), I would like to do the same with the new SLA feature in the latest version but I am having trouble creating the new custom submenu.Can anyone point me in the right direction? so far I have made changes on the 2 pages listed above on the new version.



I think that you want to look at /include/class.nav.php

My Issue seems to stem from my custom $stats not getting set in /scp/tickets.phpif I change it to !$stats it "works"The other thing is I am not sure where the code is to do the count query for each "type" (open, closed, assigned, etc) so I could add my own code for my SLA groups.I will take a look in class.nav.php again  it does not look like it was in class.nav.phpBiggest issue is my status/state not being set for my new custom groups I thinkthanks

    Example query from older version, from /scp/tickets.php for "quick stats - submenus"/*quick stats...*/$sql='SELECT count(unclassified.ticket_id) as unclassified, count(ittix.ticket_id) as ittix, count(incident.ticket_id) as incident '.     ',count(problem.ticket_id) as problem, count(request.ticket_id) as request, count(assigned.ticket_id) as assigned '.     ' FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.' ticket '.     'LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' unclassified ON unclassified.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND unclassified.status=\'Open\' AND unclassified.itil_id=1 '.     'LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' ittix ON ittix.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND ittix.status=\'Open\' AND ittix.itil_id=1 AND ticket.dept_id=3 '.     'LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' incident ON incident.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND incident.status=\'Open\' AND incident.itil_id=2 '.     'LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' problem ON problem.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND problem.status=\'Open\' AND problem.itil_id=3 '.     'LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' request ON request.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND request.status=\'Open\' AND request.itil_id=4 '.     'LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' assigned ON assigned.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND assigned.staff_id='.db_input($thisuser->getId());

    8 years later

    jpichie Que tal, disculpa que soluciĆ³n pudiste aplicar a esos cambios que mencionas, te agradeceria mucho tu apoyo.



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