Forgive me, if this has already been answered to the fullest extent, but I was unable to find a definitive answer when searching.Where in the database are the flags to distinguish whether a User is "", "", "", etc.?I was assuming it was the "" field, of the "" table.  But this does not appear to be the case, since my three Test Users all have different statuses on the web interface, and in the database all have the same value in the "status" field.-------  My Info  -------osTicket Version: v1.9.7 (4be5782)Web Server Software: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)MySQL Version: 5.5.43PHP Version: 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.9

Have you tried looking in the "user_account" table, I think that may have what your looking for. Entries are created in this table when you give a user access.

It looks to me like the entries  in the user_account table are written in from the ../include/class.user.php file. If you look around line 1112 you will see where this occurs.

Have you tried looking in the "user_account" table, I think that may have what your looking for. Entries are created in this table when you give a user access.

It looks to me like the entries  in the user_account table are written in from the ../include/class.user.php file. If you look around line 1112 you will see where this occurs.

Thank you, brianwill100.  I now see where I was mistaken.I had no Users added, so the table was showing empty.  I was assuming that Agents and Users would be stored in the same table, with a special field to indicate Agent or User.  I assumed wrong, and the Agents appear to be stored in the "staff" table.  After adding some actual Users, the "user_account" table showed what you stated.I've found no documentation, but the following is what I've found to indicate statuses...

 Status Value



Locked (Pending Activation)


Active (Registered)


Locked (Administrative)

Unless someone has more to add, this conversation may be closed and marked resolved.  Thanks!

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