
When agents reply on tickets we want to have the orginal message to show as default.I have edited the Response/Reply Template and tried %{ticket.thread.original} but nothing adds to the reply.

Is this suppose to work or do I need to do something else?Im using the latest release (1.9.7)


Really interesting, we do the same here and it works like a charm - at least when I last tested it (which was 2 or 3 weeks ago). So maybe there is something wrong with the template on the WYSIWYG view. I'd try to switch to html view using the button: <>In our reply/response template it looks like this in html view:<div style="margin-left"> <em><strong>%{ticket.subject}</strong></em><em><br> </em><em> %{ticket.thread.original}</em></div>

I switch to HTML view and copied your code into there and it works!

Thanks alot for your answer :)

Very welcome!

I close this discussion and mark it as resolved. Please open a new one when you have another question, comment or issue.

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