Hi there,when the client sends a ticket via mail and the agent answer that, the client answers by replying this mail. OsTicket now creates a new ticket. but I want, that this mail will be attached to the actual existing ticket history. Is there a solution? I'm using Version 1.9.5.Thanks in advance- Michael 

1. Upgrade upgrade upgrade. 1.9.7 is out.  2. Also if you are having issues with proper email ticket threading then I would highly recommend adding the ticket number to your email templates.  osTicket uses the emails message-id to attempt to determine if it belongs with a ticket, but if it cannot for some reason (such as the email client being used doesn't follow the email RFCs) then it falls back to checking the subject line for the ticket number.  To do this you go to: Admin panel -> Emails -> Templates -> your email templateUnder End User Email Templates you can add: #%{ticket.number}

Thanks for your answer!As I find out, all the templates have this tag in it. But the problem still exists.Can I upgade without any problems? Because the system is in production!

Yes, but you should make a back up first. (always)

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