Please see my attached design Docs.OST Version at the time of this post: 1.9.6Dev Guide that I will be referring to: Purpose: (these may be separate mods or all-inclusive)--To implement the following in OSTicket via Plugins:----Project Management: Fairly simply implementation of a PM system via tickets------Project Timeline visualization tools--------gantt charts, etc...------Sub-Projects (nested)----Staff assignment to Project/Sub-Project Lead----Staff assignment to Project/Sub-Project Contributer----Ticket assignment to Project/Sub-Project----Nesting tickets as "Sub-Tickets"------Tickets with open child tickets may not be closed.--Indicate ticket as a prerequisite to another ticket.------Tickets may indicate that their workflow is impeded until the completion of another ticket.------Triggers to callback functions on ticket close(and other events) will alert and change status if all prerequisites have been fulfilled.Development Status: Conceptual Phase. Only Some design work done. Researching.Summary:I'd like to give OS ticket the ability to bolt-on (plugin) Project Management, Sub-Ticketing and ticket prerequisites. I will likely do this as 3 separate plugins. I read the guide referenced above and I see documentation to add pages to the admin panel, which is great for project management. But the other two plugins would benefit greatly from being able to add to the ticket screen as well. Please see my wireframe sketches attached. Can someone advise if there is already that functionality? If not, I can fork and install my own calls to add to the ticket screen. I would like to do as much as possible through the plugin architecture as possible to allow for maximum flexibility and reduce deployment times by eliminating as much need for code reconciliation between stock OST and my mods as I can. A feature that seems to go hand-in-hand with this is ticket merging. That could also be implemented in this process.Although in my design I sometimes refer to sub-projects and sub-tickets, as far as entities go; there are no "sub" anythings. The sub is simply a data relationship and is generally a recursive relationship with respect to the entity type. I will likely limit the number of levels that nesting can be done and I will need tree parsing to detect loops and what not as well as some events handlers/listeners/callbacks to handle all of the logic.Is there a guide that is more recent than this? Are there more capabilities to the plugin system that were not mentioned? I'd like to know as much about the capabilities before I dive in. I can figure it out myself through reverse engineering or just forking the code to get it done the way I want but I want to make it as smooth and productive as possible.I may also be interested in adding mods to redo styling through CSS using SASS and susy to define breakpoints and skin options. Ultimately the goal would be responsive web design in OST. Also, I plan on looking into adding columns and row structures to custom forms. For these types of plugins I would need the ability to restructure even more of the existing code through plugins. Any info on this would be great. Thanks!EDIT1: I don't know why my attachments didn't appear but if you don't see them, here they






This sounds a lot like a currently planned forthcoming feature.

Excellent. Is there a published list of planned, forthcoming features? I've looked around and I seem to only be able to find suggested features.

There is no public roadmap (neither features nor release dates) available.

Regarding release dates:

"It's done when it's done" and I personally like that mentality since I think it does not help admins/users when they release half baked stuff with bugs etc. So it's taking as long as it needs ;)

Regarding features:

You can get a good intention of upcoming features by searching for the crumbs of the moderators and admins here in the forum, taking a look at the github repo of osTicket (e.g. pull requests and especially the develop-next branch).

Regarding release dates:I completely understand and agree that they are done-when-they-are-done as it is a free product and there is no contract nor expectation of service/delivery levels. I was asking more from the sense of not duplicating efforts between the modding community and the official dev team.Regarding features:This is good info. Thank you. I will take that into consideration. I am very glad I posted this before doing any intense development cycle on it. And I'm especially glad that the forum moderators are so quick and helpful in monitoring and responding to these posts. That good communication at least provides enough assurance that I am not duplicating my efforts.Thanks again

In addition, I suggest to download the latest tip of the develop-next branch and try it out ;)

Don't know how far the developers got in the meantime (since I last set up develop-next branch test installation, need to check myself again this week ) but there are a lot changes/improvements already and I guess this way you get the best impression of upcoming features that are fully or at least partly implemented.



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