We used this modification as well and it looks to be working fine in several areas except for one. If we navigate to the home page and attempt to create a new ticket all of the fields that we modified are there and it works fine. When we log in as a staff member and attempt to create a new ticket via the staff panel all of the fields show up just fine as well. But if we are a user logged into the system and we attempt to create a new ticket all of the fields do not show up properly. We have already attempted to load the original osTicket include/client/open.inc.php and when it is fresh it works fine but with none of the new fields. We can add a few fields to this and it works ok but when we add all of the fields that we need it seems to have a format issue. PM me for the URLs and or/screenshots below is our code for include/client/open.inc.php:
if(!defined('OSTCLIENTINC')) die('Kwaheri rafiki!'); //Say bye to our friend..
$info=($_POST && $errors)?Format:($_POST)(); //on error...use the post data
<?if($errors) {?>
<?}elseif($msg) {?>
<?}elseif($warn) {?>
Please fill in the form below to open a new ticket.
Company Name:
<?if ($thisclient && ($companyname=$thisclient->getCompanyName())) {
<?}else {?>
* <?=$errors?>
Name of Reseller:
<?if ($thisclient && ($nameofreseller=$thisclient->getNameofReseller())) {
<?}else {?>
* <?=$errors?>
Purchase Date:
<?if ($thisclient && ($purchasedate=$thisclient->getPurchaseDate())) {
<?}else {?>
* <?=$errors?>
<?if ($thisclient && ($manufacturer=$thisclient->getManufacturer())) {
<?}else {?>
* <?=$errors?>
Model Number:
<?if ($thisclient && ($companyname=$thisclient->getModelNumber())) {
<?}else {?>
* <?=$errors?>
MAC Address:
<?if ($thisclient && ($macaddress=$thisclient->getMACAddress())) {
<?}else {?>
* <?=$errors?>
Email Address:
<?if ($thisclient && ($email=$thisclient->getEmail())) {
<?}else {?>
* <?=$errors?>
Ext ">
Help Topic:
Select One
$services= db_query('SELECT topic_id,topic FROM '.TOPIC_TABLE.' WHERE isactive=1 ORDER BY topic');
if($services && db_num_rows($services)) {
while (list($topicId,$topic) = db_fetch_row($services)){
$selected = ($info==$topicId)?'selected':''; ?>
General Inquiry
* <?=$errors?>
* <?=$errors?>
<? if($errors) {?> <?=$errors?>
if($cfg->allowPriorityChange() ) {
$sql='SELECT priority_id,priority_desc FROM '.TICKET_PRIORITY_TABLE.' WHERE ispublic=1 ORDER BY priority_urgency DESC';
if(($priorities=db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($priorities)){ ?>
$info=$info?$info:$cfg->getDefaultPriorityId(); //use system's default priority.
while($row=db_fetch_array($priorities)){ ?>
" <?=$info==$row?'selected':''?> ><?=$row?>
<? }
<?if(($cfg->allowOnlineAttachments() && !$cfg->allowAttachmentsOnlogin())
|| ($cfg->allowAttachmentsOnlogin() && ($thisclient && $thisclient->isValid()))){
<?if($cfg && $cfg->enableCaptcha() && (!$thisclient || !$thisclient->isValid())) {
if($_POST && $errors && !$errors)
$errors='Please re-enter the text again';
Captcha Text: